Characteristics of the elderly in metropolitan cities: a geo statistical data visualisation


  • Vito Fabio Bellafiore
  • Donatella Cangialosi ISTAT
  • Giuseppe Lancioni



The paper has been jointly written by all the authors but § 1 and 4.2 can be attributed to D. Cangialosi, § 2 and 4.1 to V.F. Bellafiore, § 3 and 4.3 to G. Lancioni.


A rapidly ageing population, such as the Italian one, has different social demographic characteristics from those of a few decades ago. The general improvement in living conditions makes it possible to consider the elderly today not as a burden on the community but as an opportunity.

The aim of this work is a study on the profile of the elderly and on some social aspects that highlight the changes that have occurred over time in the 14 italian metropolitan cities. In order to make the reading of the profiles more effective on the territory, a geo-statistical tool for visualising and reading data is implemented.


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